Endless, Exciting Possibilities

18 Jan 2024

Software engineering is a vast domain with many different interesting fields and scopes for those who want to learn new things. With that being said, it can sometimes be hard to pick and focus on one singular subject or skill, and I often find myself wondering on how and where to start learning about some new topics.

Recreating My Childhood

Growing up, I would always play video games with my friends and family members when I had the time, and still continue to do so to this day. Naturally, I also developed an interest in what it took to create the very games I poured so many hours into, and how they were able to actually run smoothly, no matter how long I played for. I now know that it is in no way easy by any means, and the majority of the games released today have been in development for a couple of years at the minimum, and there still must be effort put into the game to ensure it continues running smoothly without any bugs or unintended mechanics.

Seeing Both Sides of the Same Coin

In the future, I would like to be able to comfortably handle both the front and back-end sides of any project that I happen to come across or start one day. If I were to develop the skills to do this, it would widen the number of possibilities and opportunities that I would be able to take advantage of and I would be able to bring a lot more to the table. Plus, I have always enjoyed seeing the interactions between things all around me, and trying to figure out how they work, and if any problems were to come up, I would always try and come up with ideas of my own on how to fix them or why they happened. I am currently working in a team that handles the UI and API side of a web application for UH, but am not yet fully confident in my ability to smoothly tackle problems and integrate solutions or new features.

Bridging the Gap Between Software and Hardware

Every once in a while, I would have random ideas pop into my head on possible products that could be sold with the goal of solving a problem or making a person’s day-to-day life easier or more efficient. There would also be times when I notice a small problem in my life or someone complaining about a small inconvenience that got me thinking about how I would go about solving these problems with a tool or gadget. I would also spend time focusing on some of the larger problems in the world as well, but there are millions if not billions of ideas out there already, and the actual problem lies in how to execute such a plan on such a wide scale. I’m always thinking about problems and solutions, but since I have never really worked with connecting software to hardware, other than say, middle school robotics, I never knew how to act on these ideas or bring them to life. It is an interest of mine, but one that I have put in the back of my mind for the longest time, and it will likely stay there until I get more of an idea on how to start, or become successful enough to risk trying without worrying about the losses.